Discover trending designs and other t-shirt insights

Jul 10, 2016 — When we changed the default sorting of t-shirts last month, we asked for feedback and ideas for further refinement. One suggestion we received:

Sort by popularity (of t-shirt, not its website)

… and we did it: you can now sort the designs on the front page of Day of the Shirt by which t-shirt designs are trending right now.

Then we went a step farther to create a new page that digs deeper into t-shirt stats. It’s called “Insights” and analyzes the activity around each designs and t-shirt sales we share:

  • Today’s trending shirts: the same algorithm as used on our front page, this weights recent activity more heavily than older activity. We used a similar algorithm to Reddit.
  • Most popular shirts of the last 7 days: The most popular shirt for each of the previous 7 days
  • Popular merchants last week: Aggregating activity across a merchant, this ranks merchants by the popularity of their designs. The arrows next to it shows how the merchant moved up or down in the rankings versus the previous week.
  • All time most popular shirts: These shirts are the all-time most popular designs and sales shared on Day of the Shirt.

It’s been a lot of fun digging into the data and creating interesting analyses. If you have any feedback or ideas for further discovering great t-shirt sales, let us know! Email us at [email protected] or tweet us at @dayoftheshirt.