Monthly update for March, 2016

Apr 6, 2016Having fallen behind on the weekly updates, I’ve moved to doing a monthly update.

You may have noticed that shirts on our front-page seem slightly… fresher. We’re experimenting with removing designs that are older than 5 days from our front-page, even if they’re still on for sale on the merchant’s website. After getting feedback from more than a few people along the lines of “I’ve scrolled past the same shirt all month” we decided to take action by hiding older sales. I expect to do more experiments like this to make the t-shirt discovery experience better.

Otherwise, March was a relatively quiet month of keeping all the plates spinning: Pampling, Pop-Up-Tees, SnappyKid and Othertees all updated their websites, necessitating updating our scripts for Day of the Shirt. I also made our internal scripts more reliable by having them retry if they encounter a network error when fetching a new t-shirt design.

Have experiment ideas for improving t-shirt browsing on Day of the Shirt? Email us at [email protected] or tweet us at @dayoftheshirt.