The newest t-shirt sales come first: monthly update for May, 2016

Jun 18, 2016 — During the month of May we overhauled what t-shirts you see first on Day of the Shirt: we now default to showing the newest t-shirt designs first. We’ll think you’ll like this change to the default ordering and here’s why:

The previous default, displaying Popular Merchants first, was optimized for new visitors who had never been to Day of the Shirt before, orienting them by showing websites they may already be familiar with.

But once you start using Day of the Shirt regularly, visiting us every day (if not multiple times a day), you’re most likely looking for new designs and sales you’ve never seen before. This matched the feedback we regularly receive: people didn’t like scrolling through t-shirts they had already seen.

Day of the Shirt always has the option to re-order t-shirts: ordering them by Popular Merchants (the previous default), Newest, and by Price. But when we looked at our analytics 78% of visitors never changed the default ordering. This means most of our users were not having what we believe is the best experience.

So… we changed our default to display the newest designs first.

And then we asked for more feedback: 82% of respondents agreed with us that they’d like to see the newest t-shirts listed first. We also received a lot of great suggestions for how to further improve the t-shirt discovery experience, which I’m eager to get started on.

This change really made the month of May great for us, especially when received feedback like this:

Honestly you guys are doing an awesome job getting all these shirts together. Keep it up 👍 😁

Thanks everybody and we hope we can continue improving the daily t-shirt discovery experience.